
Before I post any articles on this site, I wish  to advise  visitors that universities use plagiarism-detection software, for instance Turnitin. Plagiarism is serious and a theft of intellectual property. Be assured that it does not go undetected.
For that reason, I will provide a Bibliography at the end of each essay but will not use footnotes. This should further dissuade individuals who may be considering a ‘quick fix’. It will  probably take longer to locate the precise source than to actually plan one own’s essay!
My own original will be retained and can be forwarded to any third party mentioned in the Bibliography.

Thank you,


Author: True Tudors

I am a historian and author from London and currently live in Ireland. I hold a First Class Honours B.A degree in History & Political Science from the National University of Ireland, Galway and was awarded the titles of University Scholar and Galway Doctoral Research Fellow. I completed my PhD (NUIG) in 2013. My book 'Insurrection: Henry VIII, Thomas Cromwell and the Pilgrimage of Grace' was published by The History Press in the UK this month and is based upon my Doctoral thesis.

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